Celebrating Our Facebook Family: 1,000 Strong! And Unveiling the New Home for Dark Dollar Diaries

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Hello, Books After Dark Lovers!

As we wrap up February, we’re thrilled to celebrate the milestones and exciting developments within our community. First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has joined the Books After Dark family on Facebook. Your support means the world to us! We’re thrilled to announce that our Facebook community has surpassed 1,000 followers, and we’re deeply grateful for the love and encouragement we receive there, as well as the support for Mr. Steve’s videos, Sally’s Motivational Shorts, and Dark Dollar Diaries content. 

In other exciting news, we invite you to check out and subscribe to our brand new YouTube channel dedicated to Dark Dollar Diaries: Tales From the Cryptocurrency. That’s right – Dark Dollar Diaries now has its own channel! Join us as we delve into the mysterious, thrilling, and often cryptic dark dollar tales, with your host and very own Sarcastic Sally leading the way.

We sincerely hope the new year is treating each and every one of you well and that you’re off to a fantastic start. Your continued engagement, whether through likes, comments, shares, or simply tuning in, fills us with excitement and motivation. It’s your support that drives us to share all the incredible content we have in store for you this year.

Thank you for being an essential part of our community and for making Books After Dark the vibrant and engaging space that it is. Here’s to another month filled with excitement, inspiration, make-money-online opportunities, and plenty of mysterious stories to tell!

Warm regards,

The Books After Dark Team


  • Zooey Jones

    Meet Zooey Jones, the multi-talented editor, and staff writer at Books After Dark. She's not just your average book lover but also the creator and designer behind Sarcastic Sally journals and coloring books. Her mission is to encourage men and women to live their most authentic lives, and she does so by uplifting and empowering women through laughter and a bit of naughtiness. When she's not busy writing or designing, Zooey can be found binge-watching YouTube videos on the latest in the self-publishing industry or curling up with a glass of her favorite red wine to read a steamy, mysterious, or supernatural romance novel. She believes in living life to the fullest and encourages others to do the same. So, next time you're feeling down, grab a Sarcastic Sally journal or coloring book and a glass of red wine and let Zooey help you find your authentic self through humor and empowerment.

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